Friday, September 5, 2008

Success and Patience.

First of all, thank you all who prayed for my mother. I just spoke with her on the phone and the procedure went well. The doctors were able to complete the tests and take several biopsy's of her lung tissue. My mom is tired but glad to have it done. Now patience is needed once again as we all anxiously await the test results (which they should have by next week some time). They are on the way to the airport to catch a flight home so she can sleep in her own bed tonight. Pray they can make the 5 pm flight home so she can rest. Please continue to pray with me that a resolution and an end to the pain and discomfort would come quickly. For a son, it is hard to see you mother in pain and not be able to fix it. But we have a Great Physician and Comforter. Thanks again for your prayers and concern for my family.

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